Circular economy
rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - What is waste paper and how is it recycled

- Composition of waste paper

- Collection and Separation

- Shredding and breaking of fibres

- Cleaning and Whitening

- Formation of sheets

- Coil Forming and Cutting

- Use and Applications

- Sustainable Life Cycle

The waste paper recycling process is essential to reduce forestry consumption for industrial purposes

Waste paper is an essential element in the paper recycling cycle, contributing to environmental sustainability and reducing deforestation.

Let's examine what waste paper is made of and the recycling process that transforms it into a useful and eco-friendly material.

1. Composition of waste paper

Waste paper is mainly made up of old paper and cardboard products collected through the recycling process.

These materials include newspapers, cardboard boxes, office paper, brochures and other paper items used on a daily basis. The composition can vary, but the aim is to use previously produced material rather than resorting to virgin fibres.

2. Collection and Separation

The first phase of waste paper recycling begins with its collection. Specialized companies recover these materials from municipal solid waste. After harvesting, the materials are separated based on quality and type.

3. Shredding and Breaking of Fibers

After collection, the materials that make up the waste paper are subjected to shredding and fiber breaking processes. This step breaks the paper into small fragments, creating a raw pulp that can be processed into new sheets of paper.

4. Cleaning and Whitening

The pulp obtained is subsequently cleaned to remove inks, glues and other contaminants. The whitening process may be included to improve the quality and appearance of the final product. Eco-friendly techniques are often preferred to reduce environmental impact.

5. Formation of the Sheets

After the preparation of the pulp, the new sheets of paper are formed. This occurs through pressing and drying processes, ensuring the creation of uniform, quality sheets of paper.

6. Coil Forming and Cutting

The sheets of paper produced are then wound into reels or cut into specific formats, depending on market needs. This step is crucial to prepare the waste paper for use in a variety of applications.

7. Use and Applications

Recycled waste paper can be used in numerous industries, including the production of toilet paper, corrugated cardboard, printing paper, and more. Its use reduces dependence on virgin fibers, preserving natural resources and reducing environmental impact.

8. Sustainable Life Cycle

Waste paper completes its sustainable life cycle when, at the end of its useful life, it is collected again and subjected to the recycling process. This cycle continues, helping to preserve forests and reduce waste production.

In conclusion, waste paper is a fundamental component of the paper recycling cycle. Its production and recycling process plays a crucial role in reducing environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices in the paper industry.

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