rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - Have we lost our environmental consciousness?

It seems that there has been an addiction to current and future ecological disasters.

What is the impact of the media tam-tam that has been enveloping us for a few years and that underlines a desperate global ecological situation? Have we lost consciousness?

At the expense of what we think, the feeling of information about the environment that comes to us, increasingly serious,documented with great detail by efficient and timely communication, does not involve everyone in the same way and with the same emphasis. 

We assume that it is completely unnecessary, as some have the audacity to point out, to discuss whether the proportion of the ecological disaster in which we live is noteworthy or not, because I would like to eliminate that fringe of people who tend not to consider the problem.

We are not just talking about ordinary people, but politicians, in top positions, who ironize on the existence of the ecological problem,on climate change and their consequences for everyone’s lives, using social media as a means of persuasing of influenzable consciences, demonstrating a scientific culture, as well as a moral one, who is completely questionable.

The environmental situation we have arrived at is such a complicated interweaving of wires,which represent the pollution of air, water, waste and the destruction of natural resources, which are turning into the rope that is tightening meekly around our necks.

The modest changes that ecological movements and the competent authorities are trying to make to the consumption cycle are completely commendable in their intentions and commitment, but still little compared to the global situation that would require much more decisions in a much more limited time.

News about multinationals teaming up to spread an ecological message about their production cycle, they certainly please, but this leads me to think that today, pressed by public opinion and at the risk of being labeled as serial polluters, they are moving to correct some behavior that goes against environmental logic.

However, we cannot imagine that industries, based on business, and therefore on profit at all costs required by shareholders, will become champions of the environment.

Certainly today they realized that a marketing message that marries the “green” strand could acquire new slices of the market, or at worst, could avoid the loss of customers.

It is the global political institutions, supported by scientific minds, that do not collude with economic business, which must impose on all of us, therefore also the world of production, behavioural rules that stop the proliferation of pollution at all levels and begin to reduce the environmental disaster in which we live. We have to do it for us.

Of course, the choices are not simple and imply a much broader vision than you might think.

I believe that, among other things, we must also consider those who do not pose these problems, not out of ignorance or blealike calculation, but because they cannot be put, because they are bound by daily needs that are much more oppressive and immediate than thinking about the end of the way.

How can one think of interacting for environmental purposes with a poor population, distributed in many areas of the world, who must think about daily survival and not the future.

How can we think of affecting the consciences of people who suffer from economic inequalities by turning them into ecological champions.

Environmental awareness, production, eco-sustainable consumption, the circular economy and the correct report on environmental resources, risk appearing a luxury ,an additional privilege of those who can afford the electric car, the purchase of organic foods or dress with expensive designer clothes from recycled sources.

First of all, we have lost our consciousness, not only environmental, but also human consciousness, prepending the ephemeral economic achievement to general well-being.

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