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rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - rMIX: Tubular Filters for the Purification of Tannery and Textile Industry Wastewater

Code: 10282. We produce an integrated system for the purification of water waste in the tanning sector and the textile industry.

In the context of wastewater from the textile and tanning industry , the biomass membrane system ensures a high quality effluent: free of suspended solids and haze, and with reduced concentrations of COD, BOD and color compared to traditional biological treatment methods .

The various types of membranes used show different behaviors during the purification process. In particular, synthetic membranes stand out for their resistance, presenting limited biodegradability.

The textile and tanning industries, long known for their significant environmental impact , represent one of the most pressing pollution challenges, especially in countries such as India and China, where such sectors are pillars of the growing economy.

Reflections of Water Consumption

The textile industry is famous for its enormous water consumption, ranging from 80 to 300 liters per kilogram of fabric produced.

These numbers, strongly influenced by the type of fabric and process used, result in a wastewater discharge that represents 75% of the total water used. This scenario reveals the extent of the volumes produced by textile manufacturers across the globe.

Chromatic Challenge

One of the main challenges of textile wastewater is the presence of dyes, which mix with other contaminants of various nature.

It is estimated that 10-15% of the dyes used are released into the environment during dyeing processes, with dye concentrations visible as low as 1 mg/l. As a result, most textile wastewater has dye residue, challenging traditional treatment processes, especially with the implementation of stricter environmental regulations.

Effluent Diversity

Textile effluents vary considerably depending on the processing operations and the final product.

In general, these effluents show coloration, high concentrations of organic pollutants – some of which are remarkably resistant to biodegradation – and various salts such as sulfates, sodium or chlorides. The pH, typically slightly alkaline, may require pre-neutralization before biological treatment.

Nutrient concentrations tend to be low and may even require additional dosing for the biological process.

If you wish to receive more information on our water filtration systems for the textile and tanning industries, contact our sales office.

Origin: Holland

Category: Recycled fabrics

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