Slow Life
rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - The Desperate Search for the Ephemeral in One's Life

In an age that prizes material success and competition, many strive to stand out in a frenetic and often relentless reality.

But beyond the glittering surface of success, what really awaits us?

This article investigates the deeper meaning of what we often consider "accomplishments" and invites readers to reflect on what it truly means to live a full and meaningful life.

We will explore different perspectives on success and happiness, inviting reflection on what truly enriches our existence beyond the standards imposed by society.

An analysis that pushes us to consider new ways of evaluating our path and our life choices.

Five things you should do before you get old

Our life is a raging torrent where those who swim the fastest can float, can show how competitive, strong, enterprising and ambitious we are, even and above all to the detriment of others.

Those who are on the shore observe us and, perhaps, admire us , because they did not have the courage to throw themselves into the whirlwind of the waves to reach their coveted goals, wealth, prestige, fame and admiration before others.

The others walk, in single file, slowly, on the river bank, just trying to stay alive.

But many of those who have laboriously tamed the river, upon arrival, think back to the route taken, the effort, the danger, the time spent, often making these considerations:

In the eyes of others, my life is the essence of success, but apart from work I have felt little joy.

Ultimately my wealth is just a part of my life that I have become accustomed to.

In this very sick moment and on the bed near death I understand that all my wealth is insignificant.

You can hire someone to drive your car, you can hire people to make you more money but you can't hire someone to give your illness to.

We can have many things but we cannot have one thing, life when you are about to lose it.

Treat yourself well and reward others.

The older we get the wiser we become, a watch worth $30 is the same as one worth $300, they both keep time, a car worth $30,000 or one worth $300,000 have the same purpose, they bring you at your destination, if you have a house 300 meters away or 3000 meters if you are alone, the loneliness is identical.

So in the end I hope you understand that having real friends to talk to is true joy.

There are 5 things you should do:

don't educate your children to necessarily be rich so that when they grow up it won't matter the price of things but their value.

eat your food like medicine otherwise you will have to eat medicine as if it were your food.

give value to your spouse, your family, your friends.

treat yourself well, reward others.

love the people God has sent you.


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