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rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - The Company can be a Dark Forest. e-Book

The days for the manager can include pitfalls and dangers that you need to know how to overcome

The manager's life in a company is almost never a rosy affair, if only because of the expectations that the owner or the board of directors place on him.

Expectations that must be repaid in terms of productivity, margins, company positioning on the market and image.

Key roles are certainly coveted , but you need to have a good dose of resilience, spirit of initiative, adaptation to stress and the ability to get help from your team, to achieve company goals over time.

First of all, it is good to consider that there are generally no sectors less complicated than others , in a free and competitive market, and there are no managerial roles that are simpler than others, otherwise the need for the manager himself would not exist.

Whether you work in sales, marketing, purchasing, production, personnel management, administration or logistics, a company of a certain size needs to be competitive and successful in every internal sector, in order to be able to difference on the market as a whole.

The comparison between the managers of the company's top activities can be the right key to having an idea of the contribution of their work , but it is also useful to understand where the company is successful or lacking.

The experiences of the group, even if not strictly connected to one's own or to one's work environment, are useful for having the right vision of the general needs and problems that occur on a daily basis.

Sharing general problems can be useful in providing advice to colleagues, seeing problems or strategies from another point of view.

Each manager, due to their professional background, has had to face, alone, new decisions or introduce changes in strategies, probably never tried before, the effects of which are not known until after some time.

Analyzing problems from other sectors is also a good school to measure yourself with future business management, in which it is not necessary to excel in every area, but it is essential to have an open mind, to be able to analyze and understand the workflow by making your own strategic contribution .

There is no infallibility given by acquired experience , and there is no process exactly the same as another, therefore, it will always be necessary to adapt to ongoing events and think about the best responses.

This book is a sort of exercise , which every manager can do, in which problems that can occur in every company are reported, choices to be made based on the evolution of internal and external situations.

Each topic covered has a proposed answer, a point of view and a resolution, which could coincide with your idea or could be poles apart, with solutions that could perhaps be completely different from what you had in mind.

A good exercise to deal with oneself and the business problems faced, taking the time necessary to reflect and look for the most professionally suitable solutions for each individual.

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