rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - How to Understand the Character of a Manager through the Observation of his Collaborators

- Influence of the Manager's Character in Team Selection

- Differences between the collaborators chosen by self-confident and insecure managers

- Impact of Managers' Character on the Climate and Efficiency of Group Work

- Management and Control Strategies Adopted by Managers Depending on Their Personal Safety

- Advice for Companies in Evaluating Managers' Character during the Selection Process

The workers who are selected by the manager give interesting ideas to make a picture of his personality

There are companies in which the selection of collaborators is not entrusted to a personnel department, or chosen directly by the owner, but are often selected and chosen directly by the area managers.

A sales manager can select salespeople, back office collaborators, after sales and sometimes marketing managers.

An administrative director could choose the components of the accounting, payroll, control department, etc.

Where we find top figures, which could also involve the general manager who have the responsibility of the company on behalf of the owner or owners, it is interesting to analyze the collaborators to understand how their superiors are temperamentally.

Managers can be competent and determined, but they can have two types of characters:

• self-confident

• unsure of himself

You may wonder how important the personal character of a manager can be if their ability and determination in coping with work are found and validated.

The character counts a lot, however, as the requirements that a manager chooses during the selection of his collaborators, for the same work, are decidedly different and, in same verse, knowing the characters of the employees chosen by the manager, it is quite easy to get a picture of his personality.

The self-confident manager looks for figures capable of withstanding the stress of work, who have a strong character, who accept the clash of opinions, who are proactive in changes, loyal to other collaborators, do not accept shortcuts, who know how to tell when they are wrong and also recognize the successes of others.

The collaborator must know how to work as a team, he does not need the approval of others or even his superior and has an open but correct relationship.

The confident manager will give ample proxies in the activities, without the fear that someone may override him, will make the team work at its best and give them the right satisfactions, putting himself to sometimes even in the shade.

The insecure manager selects his collaborators who have a passion for work, directed by others, capable but not enterprising, who have ideas but not the character to do them be valid in an open group, that they are psychologically a little manipulable in order to create a relationship of subjection and necessity towards the boss.

The insecure manager will not select figures who can overshadow him with his superiors, who may have winning ideas before him, who can team up with others workers, but will tend to verticalize the pyramid of its power to manage and control each position on its own.

He will not delegate much and will try to reduce working autonomy for fear of being overtaken one day, will tend to put collaborators in personal competition, will manage divisions and quarrels, disagreements and sold.

He will consider every effort that the factions of the group will spend to contend for visibility towards the manager as a form of indirect control and will not worry about the many wasted energy.

The companies that will select, in turn these managers, must, for the good of the company, try to understand their character because, safety or self-insecurity, he creates company departments with very different performances over time.

Automatic translation. We apologize for any inaccuracies. Original article in Italian.

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