rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - How customers view your company: Battleship or small boat?

It can often happen that what you think of your company is not what the market thinks of it and, not knowing this, it is easy not to be able to intervene

In small and medium-sized companies, where the role of the owner or manager in charge of management is the fulcrum of the activity, it can be easy to have a not entirely precise vision of how the company is seen by the market.

Observing your company from the inside, every day, as a whole or through the activities of the various company branches, you can create impressions on the work, the potential, the service, the relationships with customers and suppliers, the degree of appreciation of the activities and loyalty over time, which could be biased and not entirely objective.

When major problems arise in one of these sectors, management sets in motion a whole series of proven actions aimed at resolving the dispute or obvious dissatisfaction that has arisen.

But the actions that could improve, every day, the importance of the brand, increase sales, position the company on new markets, increase customer satisfaction, increase trust on the part of suppliers, when no critical issues arise, are more difficult to intercept and understand from the inside.

It is difficult to realize the level of appreciation that the market has for the various company sectors, as procedures for quantifying customer and supplier satisfaction are rarely put into practice, perhaps due to the fear of receiving criticism.

It is therefore of fundamental importance to collaborate with a consultant, specialized in the company's reference market, who has the aim of studying the workflow from an external position, which allows him, knowing the dynamics of the market on both sides (suppliers and customers), to independently understand what could be improved within the company.

An analysis of the various company sectors allows us to understand the degree of internal communication, the quality of the services offered compared to customers' expectations of the company, the existence and effectiveness or otherwise of external communication and the ability to solve problems , which are generated by working, in a constructive way.

Consultancy on these aspects allows the entrepreneur to acquire notions and proposals for improvement, from a point of view not influenced by the daily pace of work and the habit of carrying out standard company procedures, but tries to bring a critical evaluation of the value of the company on the market.

The worst thing is to think you are a battleship and be labeled as a small vessel, without knowing it.

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