Circular economy
rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - Consultancy Project for the Export of Recycled TPO to Sweden

Consultancy Project for the Export of Recycled TPO to Sweden

TPO is a compound polyolefin that is suitable for countless applications in technical production sectors. The material used extensively in the automotive sector is mainly recovered as industrial waste.

The technical compounds market requires TPO waste that has a very low or even zero content of cross-linked polyethylene , which is often used to complete the covering sheets of the internal parts of cars.

However, it remains a niche market, as the reuse of post-industrial waste can be used in sectors other than food or medical and, the reduced availability on the market has often favored the production of compounds with virgin raw materials.

The consultancy company on recycled raw materials, Arezio Marco , was tasked with evaluating sales channels for TPO bales in Europe, to allow the customer to be able to follow the entry of production waste with greater consistency, having, at valley, a regular market to sell the selected product.

The task of the Arezio Marco company was to optimize the incoming flows, deriving from the waste producers, with the sales flows towards the raw material transformers, creating new relationships with customers who could continuously purchase the TPO in bales.

Sweden has proven to be a country where the interest in the product has been important, being able to build a good partnership between supplier and customer.

Category: news - plastic - circular economy - recycling - waste - TPO

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