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rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - At Rai news 24 we talk about recycled plastic with Arezio Marco

Interview with the recycled plastic and circular economy consultant

The topic of interest during the interview concerns the management of plastic waste which becomes an asset from the perspective of the circular economy and not a problem, as it is normally seen

Plastic today, objectively, is part of our life and, if we suddenly wanted to give it up we would be taking a leap back 100 years, completely blocking our life and our economy.

No more cell phones, computers, cars, household appliances, sterile medical devices, furniture components, packaging and many other things. Of course, it cannot be said that an alternative cannot be found, but it takes time, resources and verification that these alternatives found are zero impact, otherwise it is not worth it.

Plastic is cheap, light, resistant, ductile, resistant, durable, aesthetic, insulating, recyclable and.. many other things.

We must certainly work harder to ensure that waste, at the end of its life, is not stupidly thrown into the environment rather than into collection and selection centres, in order to be able to give it a new life without depending on nature.

Because this is the problem: it is uncivilized man, not plastic that pollutes.

In the interview, of which you can hear an excerpt , we talk about the circular economy of plastic, defining the path of the products made "from cradle to cradle" since once a commonly used plastic element has been created, the route until the end of its use.

When it becomes waste, the product's task is not finished, as through recycling, mechanical or chemical, it once again becomes raw material for its rebirth, infinite times.

This is the importance and beauty of the circular economy, reusing products that become rubbish so as not to draw on the limited natural resources of our planet.

Category: news - plastic - circular economy

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