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rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - rMIX: Recycled PP Biopolymer Granule with Pomace Fibre

Code: 10156. We produce a biocompound consisting of a recycled polypropylene support in granules with the addition of pomace fibre.

The recycled PP granule with pomace fiber is 100% recyclable. because, if collected separately, they can be used to produce the same products.

In the recycled PP granule with pomace fibre, the molding temperatures can vary from 160°C to 190°C. Higher temperatures tend to cause deterioration of the fiber contained in the material.

Recycled PP granule with pomace fiber is sensitive to air humidity and tends to absorb (or disperse) water vapor if exposed to humid (or dry) environments for long periods.

Before use, drying at 60-70°C for 5-6 hours is recommended.

Technical characteristics of the PP granule with pomace fibre:

- Composition: PP 85% + pomace fiber 15%

- Density: 0.940 gr./cm3

- Tensile modulus 1 mm/min: MPa 1400

- Tensile strength at break 5mm/min: MPa 20

- Tensile elongation at break 5mm/min: % 5.3

- Flexural modulus 2mm/min: MPa 1300

- Bending stress at 3.5% strain: MPa 30

- Impact resistance Izod serrated 23°C; 50%: KJ/m2 4

- Izod impact resistance without notch 23°C; 50%: KJ/m2 12

If you require further technical or commercial information you can contact our sales office.

Origin: Italy

Category: Biopolymers - PP - pomace fiber - recycling - granule

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