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rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - rMIX: Recycled Glass for Wine Bottles

Code: 271. Today, the consumer demands sustainable products, sophisticated design and consistency in style.

In addition to the sustainability of materials and production processes, the market focuses on design excellence and, at the same time, is in search of natural beauty, with all the imperfections that characterize handcrafted products. 

Our recycled glass wine bottles are in tune with the latest market trends, not only because they are sustainable products, but also an attractive design. 

Both the resulting color and their tolerances, higher than a standard color, and the imperfections in the formation of the glass in the form, for example, of bubbles, orange peel, colored lines, imperfect accumulations of glass, give a harmonious, authentic design and very similar to that of handcrafted glass, but with all the characteristics of products manufactured with automated techniques.

The company does not reject bottles with aesthetic defects, and this allows to reduce the impact caused by waste. 

In the first test campaign we went from 25% to 15% waste and the 100% of the glass used for our bottles is made from post-consumer recycled (PCR) glass. 

By using glass from local waste collection and reducing energy consumption due to glass melting, we we have produced the first recycled white PCR glass campaign!

Origin: Spain

Category: Recycled glass - scrap

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