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rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - rMIX: Production of Microturbines to Produce Sustainable Electricity

Code: 10322. We produce a series of microturbines powered by renewable sources, such as hydrogen or biogas, to create sustainable electricity.

Microturbines represent the cutting edge in energy solutions for cogeneration and trigeneration, offering high efficiency performance for small and medium-sized applications.

These units are suitable for a wide range of sectors, including civil construction, tourism, agriculture, industry and waste management , thanks to their ability to provide a compact, versatile and energy-efficient energy option. high efficiency.

Unlike other technologies, these proposals stand out for their reduced emissions, lower vibrations and low noise levels, characteristics that make them ideal for use in urban contexts.

Their multifunctionality is another significant selling point: In critical infrastructures such as data centers or farms, these microturbines not only ensure efficient cooling and heating but also offer support as backup power.

If you would like further information on our turbines for the production of food-grade electricity using hydrogen or biogas, you can contact our sales office.

Origin: Italy

Category: Renewable energies - hydrogen - biogas - micro turbines

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