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rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - rMIX: Pantographic Inks for Plastic Toys

Code: 10501. We produce a line of pad printing inks with UV resistance for use in the plastic toy sector.

In the lively universe of toys, in addition to chromatic liveliness, one element takes on crucial importance: safety.

To ensure that the little ones can play peacefully with their beloved toys, it is essential that the paints used are free from heavy metals, thus adhering to the DIN EN 71-3 regulation specific for toys.

These single-component inks are designed excluding the use of BPA, phthalates, cyclohexanone, halogens, aromatic solvents, barium, fluorine and bromine, thus ensuring a safer and more environmentally friendly composition.

Characterized by a remarkable covering capacity and excellent shine, the formula also offers resistance to scratches and abrasion. Their drying occurs through a physical process, ensuring both mechanical and chemical robustness.

They have high chromatic stability to light and notable resistance to atmospheric agents, with a finish that remains elastic and lively over time.

If you would like more information on our pantographic inks for toys, contact our sales office.

Origin: Germany

Category: Screen printing - inks - metal - ceramic - glass

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