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rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - rMIX: Distributor of Cotton from Organic Cultivations

Code: 8313. As an international distributor of fabrics, in our range there is a line that deals with the distribution of a cotton grown with systems organic on recovered land.

The cotton fabric that comes from organic crops is the result of an agricultural reconversion that we led in India.

What is organically grown cotton

Organically grown cotton is a type of cotton produced according to the principles of organic farming, which excludes the use of pesticides, herbicides, synthetic chemical fertilizers and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This agricultural practice is based on the use of natural methods and substances, with the aim of maintaining ecological balance, reducing pollution and conserving biodiversity.

Fundamental principles

Sustainable Soil Management: Organic farming promotes soil health through crop rotation, the use of organic compost and other natural methods to nourish the soil, rather than relying on chemical fertilizers.

Organic Pest Control: Instead of using synthetic pesticides, organic cotton is protected from infestations through the use of natural predators, trap crops, and disease-resistant plant varieties.

Water saving: Efficient irrigation techniques and choosing cotton varieties suited to local conditions help reduce water consumption.

Product quality: Organic cotton tends to be high quality, with softer, long-term fiber strength than conventionally grown cotton, due to less exposure to harsh chemicals.

If you would like more information on our organically grown cotton distribution business, contact our sales office.

Origin: Germany

Category: Recycled fabrics - textile waste - cotton

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