Circular economy
rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - Trash: the Movie that Tells Recycling to Children

The problem of waste, sea pollution and environmental problems are on all the TVs in the world and are read online every day

It is not always easy to make children understand that we can and must do everything possible to preserve our planet, without scaring them and without falling into a sterile environmental education lesson that risks not creating that empathy so dear to young people.

Luca della Grotta and Francesco Dafano succeeded, through a fairy tale that touches the heart, telling in an animated and entertaining way the problems of the waste that society produces, but also of sustainability and recycling.

In this cartoon the protagonists are the waste, in a difficult world in which to live, telling about themselves, with a mixture of frustration for their condition and, at the same time, hope for a better world where every piece of waste thrown away could have a second chance.

Slim is a used cardboard box and Bubbles a bottle of fizzy drink, they live in a market with other marginalized friends, hiding from the Suckers, the cleaners' suction machines.

Despite the conditions in which they live, they hope to be able to reach the Magic Pyramid, a place where any waste can come back to life and be useful to the community.

It seems that life events prevent them from fulfilling this dream, when an unexpected event changes their destiny.

Category: news - plastic - circular economy - waste

See children's books

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