rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - The Difference Between Communicating and Being Heard in the Age of Circular Economy

The Difference Between Communicating and Being Heard in the Era of the Circular Economy

Overwhelmed by the multiple means of communication, we struggle to understand if the market is listening to us.

The advent of Covid in 2020 has given a further acceleration to the use of IT means to communicate with the market and to create commercial transactions, causing a substantial reduction in human contact at the basis of the historical relationships between companies and customers.

We are therefore faced with an epochal turning point, consummated in a truly short period of time, which has changed the foundations on which commercial relations and corporate communication were based.

Those who produce or distribute goods and services, especially in the context of the circular economy, were strongly committed in the field to inform users that their company had what it takes to stay in the virtuous wake of the green economy.

This is an activity that is still in its infancy for many companies, where, at times, some entrepreneurs have not really focused on how to communicate the green potential of their company to the market , despite the fact that the circular economy is now the driving aspect of the market .

With the advent of Covid, all traditional communication schemes collapsed, leaving a lot of space for online communication, which must have particular characteristics in a decidedly overcrowded world.

Potential customers expect, as an established fact, that the services or products they purchase comply with the principles of the circular economy, therefore they do not expect the company to demonstrate whether or not it belongs to this green trend, but they expect confirmations and reassurances that the goods or services sold espouse this philosophy every day and that they can generate innovations and improvements from an environmental perspective.

To do this, companies that were not yet in the wake of a green economy will have to quickly adapt to the new market and, in general, companies will have to equip themselves with "social" communication systems promoted and managed by consultants specialized in the circular economy.

The difference that a generalist communication makes today, which could be applied to a detergent or a shoe in an indistinct way, compared to a communication specialized in recycling and the circular economy , lies in the fact that the communication action carried out by specialists in the sector, allows us to instill, in sales, a trust and security towards the customer and the company that would otherwise be difficult to achieve.

This occurs through the involvement of the customer or potential customer in the technical processes that concern the circular economy supply chain relating to the company, giving him peace of mind and confidence regarding the good "green" production path of the item that the customer will buy.

Trust and security generate attachment to the brand and a greater speed of diffusion of products or services pushed by the customers themselves, creating a virtuous driving force.

The specialization in the sector of those responsible for corporate communication helps to increase the chances of being listened to, in a critical and active way, in an information market which, due to the dizzying pace of news publication, does not make it easy to pay attention to the user.

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