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2 ads - 2 companies - rMIX: Naturalistic Engineering Design and Interventions - 10499
rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare rMIX: Naturalistic Engineering Design and Interventions - 10499
rMIX Ads: Offers/Requests | Environmental Mitigation

Code: 10499. We carry out the design and execution of interventions that fall within the field of naturalistic engineering. Naturalistic engineering is a discipline that combines principles of engineering and ecology for the design, implementation and management of interventions aimed at protecting, restoring and improving the natural environment. This approach is based on the use of living materials, such as plants and soil, together with inert materials, to create structures that integrate harmoniously with the surrounding ecosystem . The main objectives include erosion control, restoration of natural habitats, management of surface and groundwater, and improvement of biodiversity. If you wish to receive more information on our design activity and on interventions falling within the field of naturalistic engineering, contact our sales office. Origin: Italy Category: Environmental mitigation - naturalistic engineering - design - execution of works If you are subscribed to rMIX contact the company, if you are not, subscribe by choosing the contract you prefer .

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rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare rMIX: Naturalistic Engineering Interventions
rMIX Ads: Offers/Requests | Environmental Mitigation

Code: 10404. We deal with the design and implementation of naturalistic engineering interventions in areas where restoration and consolidation work is necessary. In flat areas, the actions are mainly aimed at eliminating or decreasing the erosion caused by water courses through the reinforcement of the banks, slopes and embankments with the use of living vegetation or parts of it as construction material, combined with other non-living elements (such as wood, stones, geotextile fabrics, biocarpets). The establishment of wetlands to encourage the return of wildlife is also part of naturalistic engineering techniques, as is the use of plants for water purification. If you would like more information about our naturalistic engineering activity, contact our office. Origin: Italy Category: Environmental mitigation - naturalistic engineering - erosion If you are subscribed to rMIX contact the company, if you are not, subscribe by choosing the contract you prefer .

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