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1 ads - 1 companies - rMIX: Supply of Kenaf Natural Fiber for the Automotive Sector
rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare rMIX: Supply of Kenaf Natural Fiber for the Automotive Sector
rMIX Ads: Offers/Requests | Recycled Wood

Code: 10252. Supply of natural Kenaf fiber which comes from the processing of the bark which can be used in the automotive sector. Kenaf fiber can be used in the automotive sector for several purposes, helping to improve the sustainability and performance of materials used in vehicle production. How kenaf fiber is used in the automotive sector: Interior Components: Kenaf fiber can be incorporated into the production of automotive interior components, such as door panels, dashboards, upholstery and seats. Its lightness, resistance and thermal insulation properties make it suitable for such applications. Composite Materials: Kenaf fiber can be used in the production of composite materials together with plastic resins. These composite materials can be used to make lightweight yet strong structural parts, reducing the overall weight of the car and improving fuel efficiency. Insulating Panels: Kenaf fiber can be used for the production of acoustic and thermal insulating panels. These panels can be inserted into the interior parts of the car to reduce noise and improve thermal insulation, providing a more comfortable environment inside the vehicle. Eco-Sustainable Interior Materials: Kenaf fibre, being a natural and sustainable fibre, can be used in the production of fabrics for car interiors. Seats, door panels and other coverings can benefit from the use of eco-sustainable materials, responding to the growing demand for greener solutions. Recyclability: Kenaf fiber can help improve the recyclability of automotive components. The use of biodegradable or recyclable materials is an important aspect of reducing the environmental impact of vehicles and meeting sustainability standards. Environmental Sustainability: The adoption of kenaf fiber in the automotive sector can contribute to greater overall sustainability of the production process, reducing the use of non-renewable resources and the emission of greenhouse gases. Origin: Italy Category: Recycled wood - kenaf fiber - acoustic panels If you are subscribed to rMIX contact the company, if you are not, subscribe by choosing the contract you prefer .

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