Company offers - rMIX: Sleeve Application Service on Bottles for Third Parties
rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare rMIX: Sleeve Application Service on Bottles for Third Parties
rMIX Ads: Offers/Requests | Third Party Work

Code: 10258. We provide a third-party service for the automatic application of plastic sleeves (heat-shrink labels) on bottles to improve the aesthetic appearance and protection. Sleeve labels, also known as heat-shrink labels or shrink sleeves , are a type of label that covers the entire surface of a bottle or container and shrinks (contracts) when heat is applied. These labels offer an attractive visual appearance, allowing you to completely wrap the container, including the neck and top. Sleeve Label Materials Sleeve labels can be made with different materials, including: PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride). PVC is one of the most common materials used for sleeve labels. It is flexible, durable and offers excellent printability. PETG (Glycolized Polyethylene Terephthalate ). This material is similar to PET (polyethylene terephthalate) but offers greater heat resistance, making it suitable for heat shrink applications. OPS (Oriented Polystyrene) . Sleeve labels made from OPS material are often used in applications where high transparency is required. PLA (Polylactic Acid) . Biodegradable material derived from renewable resources such as corn or sugar cane. It is a more sustainable choice compared to traditional materials. PP, PET and PVC heat shrink labels are used in our factory. Type and application of heat shrink labels (Sleeve) • beverage sleeve on bottles and cans • food sleeves on trays, packets and jars • wine sleeves on bottles and cans • cosmetic sleeves on jars, bottles and vials • promotional gadgets • application of warranty seal • trays for dairy products • rolls of paper and similar which cannot tolerate humidity If you would like further information on our third-party service for applying heat-shrink plastic labels (sleeves), contact our sales office. Origin: Italy Categories: Third party work - heat shrink labels - sleeves - bottles If you are subscribed to rMIX contact the company, if you are not, subscribe by choosing the contract you prefer .

SEE MORE - rMIX: HDPE bottles and PA (Polyamide) barrier layer
rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare rMIX: HDPE bottles and PA (Polyamide) barrier layer
rMIX Ads: Offers/Requests | Third Party Work

Code: 10257. We produce for third parties a series of HDPE bottles that contain a polyamide barrier layer. These HDPE bottles with PA layer combine the strength and durability of HDPE with the barrier properties of PA, which offers greater protection against oxygen, moisture and other factors that could affect the quality of the packaged product. Applications of HDPE bottles with PA barrier layer: Food industry. PA-coated HDPEs are often used to package foods such as oils, sauces and oxygen-sensitive food products. Cosmetic Industry. They are used for cosmetic bottles and personal care products that require an oxygen barrier to maintain product effectiveness. Pharmaceutical industry. HDPE bottles with a PA layer are used in the packaging of drugs and pharmaceutical products sensitive to external agents. The bottles made of HDPE and PA barrier layer have a square base, a capacity of 1 liter and a size of 97.5 mm. base for a height of 172.5 mm. If you would like further information on HDPE and PA bottles, please contact our sales office. Origin: Italy Category: Contract work - bottles - HDPE - PA If you are subscribed to rMIX contact the company, if you are not, subscribe by choosing the contract you prefer .



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