Company offers - rMIX: Supply of PP Reinforcement Fibers for Concrete
rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare rMIX: Supply of PP Reinforcement Fibers for Concrete
rMIX Ads: Offers/Requests | Plastic Products

Code: 9473. The polymeric reinforcements (PP fibers) for concrete mixtures are an optimal solution to improve the performance of the finished product.The fibers in engineered polypropylenes have a triangular cross section to increase the secondary reinforcement of concrete.What are the benefits of PP fibers for concrete:- Improve the long-term durability of concrete - Improve stress transfer- Improve post peak ductility of concrete - Increase resistance to abrasion- Increase resistance to impact/ break - They increase the toughness of hardened concrete - They reduce water percolation and the permeability of concreteProvenance : IndiaCategory: Other products - fibers - microfibres - PP - concreteIf you are subscribed to rMIX see customer contacts , if you are not, subscribe by choosing the contract you prefer.

SEE MORE - rMIX: Distributor of Virgin and Recycled Plastic Polymers
rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare rMIX: Distributor of Virgin and Recycled Plastic Polymers
rMIX Ads: Offers/Requests | Distribution

Code: 9472. We specialize in the import and distribution of plastic polymers by injection, extrusion, blow molding. thermoforming and rotational.Plastic polymers can be virgin  and recycled and include polyolefins and technopolymers.For more information, contact our sales department.Origin: IndiaCategory: Consulting and Distribution - plastic polymers - recycledIf you are subscribed to rMIX see customer contacts, if you are not, subscribe by choosing the contract you prefer.



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