Company offers - rMIX: rPET Ground Light Blue with Food Certification
rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare rMIX: rPET Ground Light Blue with Food Certification
rMIX Ads: Offers/Requests | Recycled Polymers

Code: 8329. We produce the ground in rPET light blue which comes from the mechanical recycling of soft drinks and water bottles. Our ground in rPET (polyester) is certified for food use and therefore can be reused in this sector to build new bottles or food packaging. Origin: Italy If you are a subscriber you see the customer's contacts, if you are not, subscribe by choosing the contract you prefer .

SEE MORE - rMIX: rPET Neutral Ground with Food Certification
rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare rMIX: rPET Neutral Ground with Food Certification
rMIX Ads: Offers/Requests | Recycled Polymers

Code: 8328. We produce the ground in neutral rPET that comes from the mechanical recycling of soft drinks and water bottles. Our ground in rPET (polyester) is certified for food use and therefore can be reused in this sector to build new bottles or food packaging. Origin: Italy If you are a subscriber you see the customer's contacts, if you are not, subscribe by choosing the contract you prefer .



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