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rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - rMIX: Synthetic PVC sheet for waterproofing

Code: 851. Our company produces a PVC sheet calendered and reinforced with polyester fiber suitable for waterproofing roofs, tunnels, reservoirs and channels.

Advantages of the calendered PVC sheet

It absorbs structural movements well, to withstand the tensions deriving from large spans and high expansion of the deck roofs.

High tensile strength.

High resistance to punching.

Great elasticity.

Great dimensional stability.

Great tear resistance.

Limits the deformations and stresses of the waterproof covering as a result of the high temperatures and thermal changes to which flat roofs are subjected.

It improves the behavior of mechanically fastened sheets, assuming a high resistance to wind suction, optimizing the density of the fasteners.

Very high durability compared to possible degradations due to the chemical type.

Excellent resistance to microorganisms, rot, mechanical shocks, natural aging and swelling.

Allows you to adapt to any type of geometry.

It has good protection against punctures against any mechanical damage resulting from occasional pedestrian traffic typical of flat roofs.

Origin: Spain

Category: Recycled plastic products - synthetic sheet - PVC - waterproofing - construction - calendered - polyester

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