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rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - rMIX: Production of Tubs for Floriculture in Recycled Plastic

Code: 8636. We make recycled plastic tubs for the Floriculture sector of various sizes with handles for their handling even when full.

The dimensions of the recycled plastic tubs from floriculture have the following internal volumes:

  • 40 liters
  • 50 liters
  • 70 liters
  • 90 liters
  • 110 liters

Why buy and use recycled plastic tubs for floriculture

Purchasing and using horticulture tubs made from recycled plastic offers numerous environmental and practical benefits, making them an excellent choice for industry professionals and gardening enthusiasts. Here are some of the main reasons to prefer these containers:

1. Reduction of Environmental Impact

Using recycled plastic tubs significantly contributes to reducing the environmental impact associated with the production of new plastic materials. The production of virgin plastic involves oil extraction and energy consumption, as well as generating greenhouse gas emissions. By opting for recycled plastic, you reduce your dependence on non-renewable fossil resources and contribute to the reduction of harmful emissions.

2. Promotion of the Circular Economy

Buying products made from recycled plastic supports the circular economy, which aims to maximize the life cycle of materials and minimize waste. Recycled plastic tubs for floriculture are a practical example of how materials can be effectively reused, transforming waste into precious resources.

3. Durability and Resistance

Contrary to what some may think, recycled plastic can be extremely strong and long-lasting. Floriculture tubs made from this material are often sturdy and able to withstand adverse weather conditions, making them ideal for long-term outdoor use.

4. Cost-Efficiency

Recycled plastic products can be cheaper than virgin plastic products, as the costs associated with collecting and processing recycled materials are often lower than producing new materials. This can make recycled plastic tubs a cost-effective choice for many businesses and individuals.

5. Versatility

Recycled plastic tubs are available in different sizes and shapes, suitable for a wide range of floriculture applications. They can be used for growing plants, storing soil or compost, or as containers for transporting flowers and plants.

6. Response to Consumer Demand

With growing environmental awareness, many consumers now prefer products that are clearly labeled as "sustainable" or "eco-friendly". Offering recycled plastic tubs can help companies meet this demand and improve their responsible brand image.

Origin: England

Category: Recycled plastic products - tubs - LDPE - horticulture - containers - floriculture

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