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rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare - rMIX: Plastic Tunnel for Waste Water Dispersion

Code: 364. Isn't there a suitable watercourse or ditch nearby to discharge 100% biologically clean wastewater?

In this case, the purified wastewater can be infiltrated into the soil. All you need is a soil type suitable for infiltration and a sufficient distance of at least 1 m from the groundwater level.

To do this you also need a infiltration tunnel which is primarily designed for use in private and rural areas. The system consists of one or more plastic modules and two end plates which can be extended as desired.

The tunnel is arranged in one or more rows of the same level. Since the weight of one module is only 11 kg, the maneuverability of the infiltration tunnel is excellent. The surface above the tunnels is suitable for the loading of vehicles, offering various possibilities of use.

Up to 12,000 liters of infiltration volume per pallet.

Thanks to its special design , the infiltration tunnel can be easily stacked. As a result, shipping up to 40 infiltration tunnels on one pallet saves considerable transport and storage costs.

Resistance to vehicular traffic

For versatility, the surface above the infiltration tunnels can withstand a continuous load of up to 100 kN / m2 and is therefore also suitable for vehicle loading.

Origin: Germany

Category: Recycled plastic products - water - tunnel - drain - infiltration - construction

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