Company offers - rMIX: Production of Plastic Pots for Nurseries
rMIX: Il Portale del Riciclo nell'Economia Circolare rMIX: Production of Plastic Pots for Nurseries
rMIX Ads: Offers/Requests | Plastic Products

Code: 9814. We are manufacturers of a complete line of plastic pots suitable for the work of the nursery gardener who takes care of production of seedlings for nurseries.Plastic pots (HDPE, LDPE and PP) range from the smallest shapes, including seed trays, to the largest tubs suitable for transport of large plants.If you would like further information on plastic pots for nursery gardening, contact our sales department.Provenance: ItalyCategory: Plastic products - pots - horticulture - LDPE - HDPE - PP If you are subscribed to rMIX see customer contacts, if you are not, subscribe by choosing the contract you prefer.



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